Monday, April 21, 2014

Tips For Joining Windows Live Messenger

Microsoft has released many programs and applications for making the tech lives of their customers easy. One such application from Microsoft used for communication purposes is Windows Live messenger. It is a popular email messaging program that has many features and functions. You just need to sign in to your Windows Live account, if you want to make use of the Windows Live Messenger. Moreover, this will also help you access some other features of Live Messenger like Family Safety and Photo gallery. The access to Hotmail will also be available, if you sign up for the Windows Live email. Well, given below are some easy instructions from the Windows Live support team for joining Windows Live messenger service.

  • Double click on the shortcut icon for your web browser and navigate to the homepage of Windows Live messenger. 
  • At the top of the webpage, you will see an option called Messenger. Click on it. Next, you need to download it to your Windows computer. After finishing the download, you need to install it on your computer. 
  • After the installation, you need to start the MSN messenger application and on the login screen, you need to click on the button labeled Sign Up. 
  • Now a window will be opened on your screen where you need to provide email address, if you already have one or you need to create a new one by clicking the option called Get a Windows Live email, if you do not have one.
  • Next, you need to click the option Create a password. 
  • In the available window, you need to enter your personal information like first name, last name, country, state, postal code, gender and the year of birth. 
  • Now a captcha code will appear on the screen. Enter it. You can click on the option called New, if you do not understand the code that appeared on the screen. You can also seek the audio help by clicking the Audio button. 
  • To finish the registration, you need to click on the option called I accept. 
  • Next, you need to login to the Windows Live messenger by providing your email address and password in the appropriate fields.
The above instructions from the Windows Live support team will help you to successfully log in to the Windows Live messenger service. To know more about this, dial the Windows support number.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Look At The Features Of OutDisk FTP Add-On

Along with being an advanced email application, Outlook is also used as an effective and secure personal information manager by the users. Although this email application enables users to easily send/receive emails, sometimes the users may experience certain issues in Outlook. Some of the common reasons that lead to the common Outlook issues include Firewalls and inbox size restrictions, which make it difficult for users to insert files as attachments to email messages.

When enquired about Microsoft Outlook issues, the Outlook tech support team said that although file sharing services exist, these are not usually considered as the best option due to various factors. These include questions about HIPAA regulations, privacy, snooping, and data retention policies that remain beyond the sender’s control. But now, the users can heave a sigh of relief as Microsoft has introduced the latest OutDisk FTP Add-on. With this amazing feature, the users would be able to upload file attachments from their emails directly to a server that would remain under their control. Hence, the add-on can be stated as a practical solution, especially for those business firms that would wish to have more control over their data their users need to share. This would help in the smooth flow of the business.

Now, if you are the sender of the message, you would be able to compose the message in Outlook and attach the emails as you do while sending in the normal case. While sending the message, you can go ahead and click on the Use OutDisk button in order to manually activate the upload. You can also try uploading the file by exceeding a file size threshold by setting the size to 0 bytes to upload all files. Once you set it like this, you would be able to upload all the files automatically to the company server that exceeds the threshold size. As a result, a link to the file would be inserted into the email message. Until the recipient downloads the file, it would remain on the server and once it is downloaded, it would get removed automatically. According to Outlook tech support, if the users find any issues regarding the OutDisk FTP Add-on, they can always seek assistance to know more about Microsoft Outlook.

These are some of the features of the OutDisk FTP Add-on. To know more about the features of this application, feel free to contact our technical support team.